Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Music in Art: 16th-21st Century

16th Century
Andrea Solario
The Lute Player, 1510
Albrecht Durer
Two Musicians, 1504
Master of the Female Half-Length
Concert of Women, 1530-40
Pieter Bruegel
The Peasant's Dance ,1560
Lucas Cranach the Elder
The Fountain of Youth (detail), 1546

Joris Hoefnagel
Fête at Bermondsey, 1569
Bartolomeo Veneto
Lady Playing a Lute, 1530

Callisto Piazza
The Concert, 1528-1530

 Hans Holbein
Henry VIII's Wind Band in the Gallery at Whitehall, 1543
Paolo Veronese
The Marriage at Cana (detail), 1563

17th Century
Johannes Vermeer
Girl with Flute (1665-1670)

Juan Correa
Baby Jesus with Angels Playing Musical Instruments, 1646
Baby Jesus with angels playing musical instruments, 17th century, by Juan Correa (circa 1646-1716), oil on canvas, 76x143.5 cm, Detail

Pieter Claesz
Still Life with Musical Instruments, 1623
File:Claesz, Pieter - Still-Life with Musical Instruments - 1623.jpg

Hendrick ter Brugghen
Bagpipe Player (1624)
Bagpipe Player - Hendrick Terbrugghen

 Pier Francesco Mola
Young Musician Playing a Viola da Gamba, 1650


 Vasco Pereira Lusitano
 Coroacão da Virgem, 1604

Eustache Le Sueur
Die Musen Clio, Euterpe und Thalia, 1640-1645
File:Eustache Le Sueur 002.jpg

 Jan Steen
The Merry Family, 1668

Jan Miense Molenaer
Two Boys and a Girl Making Music, 1629

Frans Hals
The Rommelpot Player, 1618-22
The Rommelpot Player, Frans Hals

18th Century
Pieter Angellis
A Musical Assembly, 1719
Women and Music in Painting 16-18th c,Pieter Angellis, A Musical Assembly (1719)

Antoine Watteau
Mezzetin, 18th century

Anne Vallayer-Coster
Attributes of Music, 1770

Francois Boucher
The Music Lesson, 1703
Women and Music in Painting 16-18th c, Francois Boucher The Music Lesson

Felice Torelli
Immacolata Concezione, 1710

The Old Plantation, 1790

Jean Raoux
The Concert, 1717

James Scott
Parody on Raphael's "School of Athens", 1751

Johann Heinrich Ritter
Holy Trinity

Tibout Regters
A Family Around a Table

19th Century
Adolph Menzel
Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci, 1850-1852
File:Adolph Menzel - Flötenkonzert Friedrichs des Großen in Sanssouci - Google Art Project.jpg

Dante Gabriel Rossetti
La Ghirlandata ,1873

Women and Music in Painting 16-18th c,Dante Gabriel Rossetti, La Ghirlandata

George Goodwin Kilburne
The New Spinet, 1839
Women and Music in Painting 16-18th c, George Goodwin Kilburne The New Spinet


Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Guitar Lesson, 1897

Women and Music in Painting 16-18th c, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Guitar Lesson

Ogata Gekko
Three Musicians, 1898

Eastman Johnson
An Earnest Pupil, 1881

Jules-Alexandre Grün
Chamber Music Concert, 1885-90
File:Grün - Chamber Music Concert.jpg

Edgar Degas
The Opera Orchestra

Charles Amable Lenoir
The Flute Player
Charles Amable Lenoir (1860-1926) - The Flute Player
William Bougeureau
Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque, 1867
Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque, 1867 Giclee Print

20th Century

Fernando Botero
Los Musicos, 1979

Thomas Wilmer Dewing
 The Lute,1904
Women and Music in Painting 16-18th c, Thomas Wilmer Dewing, “The Lute”

William Roberts
The Artist's Son Playing the  Recorder
The Recorder Player

Pablo Picasso
The Old Guitarist, 1903
PICASSO, Pablo  The Old Guitarist  1903  Oil on panel
Fernand Léger
The  Three Musicians, 1944

George Braque
Still Life Mandolin II, 1939
Still Life Mandolin II - Georges Braque

Diego Rivera
National Palace Mural

John William Waterhouse
The Siren, 1900

Alvar Cawen
Blind Musician, 1922

Aristarkh Lentulov
Woman with Guitar

Woman with Guitar - Aristarkh Lentulov

21st Century

Wayne Brezinka
Pretty Baby, 2012

Susanne Clark
Dynamic Duo

Dynamic Duo. 
Painting of cellos.
Acrylic on canvas 24in x 36 in

Debra Hurd
Keys and Friends, 2013

Robert Jacks
Cello, 2001

Al Kratzer
Last Set at Slugs, 2010

Al Kratzer Last Set at Slugs

Brian Neher
Mary Kathryn, 2012

"Mary Kathryn"  30" 24"  Oil on Linen  Brian Neher

Vitor Senger
Vitor Senger- Jazz
Irene Sherri
Nuitsibelle, 2013

Justine Linville
Instruments Resting

Richard Roselli
French Horns, 2008
Musical Instruments Paintings - French Horns by Richard Roselli

Kyeara Aikens
Guitar, 2013


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